白刚玉是以铝氧化粉为原料,经电熔提炼结晶而成, 纯度高、自锐性好、耐酸碱腐蚀、耐高温、热态性能稳定它硬度略**棕刚玉,韧性稍低,纯度高、自锐性好、磨削能力强、发热量小、效率高、耐酸碱腐蚀、耐高温热稳定性好。用其制成磨具,适用于磨削高碳钢、高速钢及不锈钢等细粒度磨料还可以用于铸造和耐火材料。 White fused alumina was made from the high quality alumina by melting above 2000 in the electric arc furnace and cooling. It is white with the main crystal phase alpha-Al2O3.The white alumina produced in titling electric arc furnace has the advantage of bulk density and low porosity and the volume stability and thermal shock resistance can be improved. |